Blog | Build vs. Buy: Decoding the Quest Integration Challenge | 10 September, 2024

Build vs. Buy: Decoding the Quest Integration Challenge

Build vs. Buy: Decoding the Quest Integration Challenge

According to the IBM Global AI Adoption Index, 35% of companies have already integrated AI, and an additional 42% of businesses plan to adopt AI. Of the businesses that haven't adopted AI, 34% say it's because of limited AI skills, and 25% point to a lack of tools to develop models. A better solution to their concern is to buy AI services from experts like Quest Labs.

One of the primary concerns with Quest Integration is users' dilemmas about whether investing in buying AI services is more beneficial than building it. That's exactly what we explore in this blog - Build vs Buy: the Quest integration dilemma.

Understanding Build vs Buy Software

When businesses build integration, they are in charge of development, training, and deployment. After figuring out the specific business needs, they need to assemble a team of AI and ML experts. The team is then responsible for developing the AI model, training it, and testing it.

Once the AI model is ready, it’s integrated into systems where it can interact with user data in real-time. This process requires a lot of time and resources for businesses.

When companies buy AI solutions, they only need to acquire pre-built AI solutions. Businesses can purchase industry-specific AI solutions from external vendors like Quest Labs. To implement them, businesses should configure them to work within the existing infrastructure. Organizations often need to train their staff to use the new AI tools with the help of the vendor.

Pros of Building Own AI Solutions

1. Customization

Building a generative AI platform empowers businesses to customize it entirely. Since they are involved in creating it from scratch, they have complete control over its features, functionality, and technical feasibility. Moreover, when businesses develop it, they can tailor the tool to their unique needs. They can also ensure that the custom integration aligns perfectly with their workflows.

2. Flexibility to Integrate

One of the biggest challenges that businesses face in AI adoption is its inability to integrate with existing systems. However, businesses can ensure that it integrates seamlessly with existing systems and databases when developing it. By adopting AI without issues, they can also offer users a personalized user experience.

3. Long-Term Investment

In-house development of AI can be costly initially. However, it might lead to substantial savings over time. The recurring costs can be less than the ongoing subscription and licensing costs of pre-built solutions. Additionally, it eliminates any incremental costs for upgrades or additional features.

When companies build integrations, they gain a substantial competitive advantage. Owning intellectual property protects a company's innovations and opens up new revenue opportunities. For example, companies can license their proprietary AI to others or create new products based on it.

Cons of Building Own AI Solutions

1. Time to Launch

Creating AI solutions from scratch is a time-consuming process. It includes designing the system, training it, and testing it under various scenarios. Due to this prolonged software development phase, custom integration takes longer to achieve value and see a return on investment. This delay can result in missed opportunities, allowing competitors to gain a competitive edge.

2. Resource Intensity

Businesses looking to develop AI solutions should have a team of experts. This means hiring specialists in data science, machine learning, and industry-specific knowledge. Finding such talents can be challenging and costly, especially in competitive job markets.

3. Heavy Cost Involvement

It's essential for businesses to hire a team of experts to build a generative AI solution from scratch. The team should include experts in natural language processing (NLP), machine learning (ML), dialog management, and large language models (LLM). Additionally, businesses have to be in charge of all maintenance and training updates. In other words, the investment in building an AI solution can be more than anticipated.

Heavy Cost Involvement With Developing AI

4. Risk of Obsolescence

AI technology is evolving rapidly and can become obsolete if not updated. Therefore, businesses should focus on ongoing research and development when developing AI systems. This requires investment in adapting to costly and resource-intensive technologies.

5. Security & Privacy Concerns

When developing AI, the biggest concerns are security and data protection. It's crucial to put strong security measures in place and follow data protection laws. If businesses overlook these aspects, they could face security risks and legal issues.

Pros of Buying Quest’s AI Solutions

1. Speed to Market

Quest's AI solutions have already been developed and thoroughly tested. Therefore, it is easy to integrate into existing systems. We designed them with integration in mind so that businesses won't need extensive customization. This approach means they can go live quickly and start enjoying the benefits.

Therefore, integrating Quest helps businesses deploy AI solutions much faster. Moreover, it allows businesses to start seeing benefits and return on investment sooner.

2. Lower Initial Cost

Developing AI solutions requires a huge investment in research, software development, and testing. Therefore, small to medium-sized businesses and startups benefit significantly from buying them.

Another benefit of the cost of integration is their structured monthly or annual subscriptions. On the other hand, developing and maintaining an AI system has variable costs. Therefore, Quest integration removes the pressure of unexpected costs.

3. Access to Expertise

Through Quest integration, a business can benefit from our extensive experience and expertise. Businesses get access to the latest advancements without any deep internal AI expertise. AI technologies evolve, and keeping up with these changes requires resources and time. With Quest's integration strategy, businesses benefit from continuous updates and improvements.

4. Data and Privacy Security

Vendor selection with proven data security measures is paramount. Quest prioritizes data and privacy security over everything else. We comply with major data protection regulations, including GDPR. By employing robust security measures, Quest ensures the secure handling of user data.

Global customers’ take on AI posing a significant threat to privacy

5. Access To Fine-Tuned Services

One of the most daunting tasks when building a tool from scratch is fine-tuning LLMs for optimal performance. When you integrate Quest, you can eliminate this task. Without extensive fine-tuning, Quest saves businesses a lot of time and effort.

6. Scalability

Buying a Generative AI solution from Quest Labs allows businesses to scale effectively and handle increasing user demands. With a pay-as-you-go approach, Quest will enable businesses to integrate only the elements based on their unique needs. Moreover, through continuous updates, we ensure that our solutions remain up-to-date.

7. Faster Response Time

By integrating Quest, you can ensure fast response times to enable user interactions. It's essential for businesses to offer timely response to provide a satisfactory user experience.

Cons of Buying Quest’s AI Solutions

1. Dependency

Businesses depend on vendors long after the initial purchase of AI solutions. Issues can surface after integration, making swift bug fixes a crucial priority. These fixes are essential for maintaining stability and minimizing operational disruptions.

Quest Labs has a strong track record of delivering quality and ongoing support. We stay up-to-date by continuously implementing new feature enhancements and strive to stay ahead of evolving technological trends.

2. Limited Customization

Understandably, pre-built generative AI platforms might fail to meet business's unique needs. But, building a solution from scratch allows for extensive customization.

Quest Labs bridges this gap by offering customized solutions for businesses. Are you unsure whether Quest can meet your business's specific needs? Book a demo with us to learn more and see how we can help.

Try Quest Labs
FactorBuilding AI SolutionsIntegrating Quest’s AI Solutions
CustomizationOffers extensive customization based on the business's unique needs.The customization options available might be limited.
Long-Term InvestmentBuilding AI solutions offers revenue by licensing proprietary AI.Buying Quest’s AI solutions includes monthly or annual subscription plans.
Time to LaunchRequires a lot of time to build, train, and test, delaying the tile to go live.Quest’s pre-built AI solutions empower businesses to go live instantly.
Resource IntensityBusinesses need to hire AI and ML experts to develop, test, and train models.Quest Integration offers businesses additional support from industry experts.
Risk of ObsolescenceA high risk of obsolescence calls for ongoing research and development.Through Quest Integration, businesses can always stay ahead of the technological developments
Security & Privacy ConcernsExtra care is needed to eliminate security risks and legal issuesQuest prioritizes data and privacy security.
ScalabilityTo scale efficiently, businesses need to invest continuously.Allows businesses to scale effectively and handle increasing user demands.

Buy Vs Build Software: Decision-Making Process

We have explored the benefits of a bought service vs built service. Still, you might be a little confused about what your business actually needs. Introducing new software to your business should always align with your end goals. So, we have compiled a decision-making process that would simplify the build or buy software dilemma for you.

Build Vs Buy: Decision-Making Process

1. Understand Your Business Needs

First, figure out what you would like to achieve through software integration. This will help you understand the investment required for the integration and your technical capability. Think if you are ready to hire professionals to meet your needs. If not, Quest integration might be easy for you, as you only pay for the no-code solutions.

2. Do Your Research

Developing software might require efforts from different teams in your company. You may have to hire experts to create software that meets your requirements. That is why you need to do proper research on what changes you need to bring about in your company to be able to develop software.

With many options available, buying software also requires proper market research. Before you choose any, ensure the costs and benefits meet your company's requirements.

3. Compare The Advantages and Disadvantages

After completing the research, you know the pros and cons of building or buying solutions. Therefore, it becomes easy for you to compare both solutions efficiently. You can then choose the one that aligns with your business's interest by comparing all the factors.

4. Optimize Strategies As Needs Change

When the needs of your business change, the current software may not meet your needs. So, they need to optimize the solution that might arise at any time. Therefore, you must choose an option that lets you optimize it according to your changing needs.

Final Verdict: Building AI Solutions or Quest Integration

Buying and building AI solutions have its own advantages. However, Quest integration strategy allows quick implementation and faster time to value. Rapid deployment allows businesses to gain a competitive edge or meet market demands.

By regularly updating the AI solutions, Quest offers the latest features and security updates. Moreover, building AI solutions reduces the risk associated with the development process. Quest also offers top-notch performance and provides support to mitigate risks further.

Quest Labs designs products with scalability in mind. Therefore, businesses adopting Quest's solutions can increase their use without worrying about scaling. Above all, Quest integration allows businesses to focus on core competencies and not on AI development.

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1. Why SaaS integration is hard?

When a business buys software, it might be concerned about its costs. Moreover, they are usually worried about needing more customization in those integrations.

2. Is it cheaper to buy or build?

Buying software can cost less than building it, especially when businesses seek a quick solution. You also save on salaries and skip the time and effort needed to make something from scratch.

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