Blog | Top 7 Product-Led Growth Companies That Own Everything | Aug 21, 2024

Top 7 Companies Embracing Product-Led Growth

Product-Led Growth Companies

Traditional growth models rely heavily on marketing and sales teams to attract customers. Obviously, sales and marketing are two important necessities for attracting customers. Still, are they capable of helping businesses retain their existing customers?

A product-led growth company uses the product itself to attract and retain customers. This growth strategy undoubtedly meets changing needs in a crowded market where consumers look for smooth interactions.

Today, Quest Labs will explore the top digital product-led growth companies that have enhanced their user experience by leveraging efficient PLG strategies and features. Each of the product-led growth examples will offer insights into the specific PLG tactics employed and their impact on overall business performance.

Is PLG The Future of SaaS?

SaaS companies gain a lot from using PLG strategies. They can achieve long-term and scalable success by making their product the main way to grow.

But how exactly does this help them? Here are five ways SaaS companies benefit from PLG strategies:

  • Better User Experience:

    By prioritizing the user experience, SaaS companies can ensure their products are simple to use and enjoyable. This leads to improved user satisfaction and loyalty.

  • Lower Customer Acquisition Cost:

    Traditional ways to acquire customers can be very expensive. However, PLG strategies use the product itself to attract new users. This reduces the need for upfront marketing and the cost of acquiring customers.

  • Higher Retention Rates:

    A crucial part of PLG is giving users ongoing value. When users find consistent value in a product, they are more likely to stay loyal. PLG strategies aim to make things smooth and keep improving the product to meet user needs. This helps keep users happy and reduces user churn.

Top Product-Led Growth Companies

product-led growth examples

Now, let's quickly explore the seven best product-led growth companies that have enhanced their user experience remarkably. Here are the 7 companies that own everything in the world.

1. Slack

Slack embracing product-led growth

Slack is an important messaging platform for teams. It is also one of the great examples of product led companies. Slack focuses on the user experience by creating a product that speaks for itself. The company has grown by relying on people who naturally discover and share the platform.

Users usually start with the free version. They love how easy and efficient it is, so they often switch to paid plans as their needs grow.

Key Features that Facilitate Product-Led Growth For Slack

Several key features within Slack’s design underscore its PLG strategy:

  • Intuitive User Interface:

    Slack's interface is simple and has fewer barriers to entry for new users.

  • Seamless Integration:

    Integrating with many third-party applications improves its utility.

  • Robust Collaboration Tools:

    Features like shared channels let companies work with external partners. Slack Connect allows secure collaboration between companies. These features naturally encourage users to invite others, helping to grow the user base.

Impact on User Acquisition and Retention:

Slack’s PLG approach has had a profound impact on its user acquisition and retention metrics:

  • Rapid Adoption:

    Slack’s emphasis on a seamless start-from-scratch experience allows individual teams within a company to adopt the tool without IT involvement. This ease of adoption has led to rapid organic growth, as satisfied users naturally become advocates, inviting colleagues and external partners to communicate through the platform.

  • High Retention Rates:

    The product's inherent value promotes high retention rates. As teams integrate Slack more deeply into their daily workflows, the switching costs increase. So, they are less likely to switch to competing products.

2. Zoom

Zoom's PLG strategy focuses on making video calls easy and smooth for everyone. This user-first approach has helped Zoom grow quickly. Now, it is an essential tool in workplaces and schools worldwide.

Specific PLG Tactics Used by Zoom

  • Freemium Model:

    Zoom offers its customers a free version that includes basic features. This free version attracts more users and is essential to its growth strategy.

  • Ease of Use:

    The app has a simple design that everyone can use effortlessly. Users can quickly join a meeting with just a click of a link.

  • Reliable Performance:

    Zoom offers its users consistent audio and video of good quality with minimal disruptions.

Results of Their PLG Strategy During Remote Work Surge

During the Covid pandemic, people started to work from home. For Zoom, it was an opportunity to attract users as a reliable communication tool.

  • Explosive User Growth:

    In the early months of the pandemic, Zoom saw a huge spike in new users.

  • Increased Revenue:

    Revenue grew by more than 300 percent in the second quarter of 2020.

  • Brand Recognition:

    Zoom went from being a business tool to a cultural icon. It even became a common term for online meetings.

3. Dropbox

Dropbox, a leader in cloud storage solutions, is next on the list of the best product-led growth companies. Dropbox transforms how data storage services are delivered and experienced.

This simplicity and ease of use ensure new users can quickly discover Dropbox's intrinsic value, encouraging organic growth through user satisfaction and loyalty. Let’s explore why Dropbox is one of the best product led growth companies.

The Role of User-Friendly Design and Referral Incentives in Driving Growth

  • User-Friendly Design:

    Dropbox always focuses on making its interface easy to use. It simplifies file storage and sharing so that anyone can use it effortlessly. It helps new users start smoothly and encourages more people to use Dropbox.

  • Referral Incentives:

    One of Dropbox’s standout strategies is its referral program.Early on, Dropbox offered extra storage space to the person who referred a friend and the friend who signed up.This clever approach helped Dropbox attract new users and retain current users.

Analysis of Growth Metrics Post-PLG Implementation

The impact of Dropbox’s PLG strategies is most evident in its growth metrics:

  • User Acquisition:

    The referral program alone permanently increased signups by 60 percent.

  • Engagement and Retention:

    The platform's user-friendly nature ensures high engagement levels.

  • Revenue Growth:

    In its 2019 annual report, Dropbox reported a 31% year-over-year increase in revenue, highlighting the financial success brought about by its PLG approach.

4. Calendly

Calendly is a top scheduling platform that excels as one of the top PLG companies. Unlike traditional sales-driven models, Calendly offers a solution that users can quickly discover and use. Users benefit from it without needing lots of help or sales pitches.

The key to Calendly’s success is its focus on solving a common problem, the scheduling efficiency. It has become an essential tool for anyone wanting to manage their time better.

Let’s talk about how Calendly became one of the exceptional product-led companies.

How Easy Integration With Other Tools Improves User Experience

One of Calendly’s best features is how easily it connects with many calendar services like Google Calendar, Outlook, and Office 365. It also works well with tools like Zoom, Salesforce, and Slack. This seamless integration is essential because it fits right into the way users already work.

For instance, by syncing with digital calendars, Calendly automatically accounts for existing commitments, thereby preventing double bookings and streamlining the scheduling process. Furthermore, integrations with communication tools and CRM platforms mean that users can schedule, manage, and follow up on appointments within their habitual systems.

The Outcomes of Focusing on a Product-Driven Customer Journey

Calendly’s focus on a product-driven customer journey has yielded impressive outcomes in terms of user adoption, retention, and expansion:

  • User Adoption:

    Calendly offers a free basic tier that meets many users’ essential needs. This allows users to experience the platform's core benefits without upfront investment. The tool's straightforward utility leads to high conversion rates from free users to premium subscribers as they seek to access enhanced features.

  • Expansion:

    As users become more dependent on the tool, the likelihood increases that they will recommend Calendly to others within their professional network. Additionally, the platform's ability to scale with users—from individual use cases to team-wide or enterprise-wide deployment—further drives expansion within organizations.

5. Canva

Canva, a graphic design platform, uses PLG well. The key to Canva’s success is its freemium model. It attracts many users and keeps them coming back.

What makes Canva one of the top product led organizations?

Features that Support User-Driven Expansion

Canvas features are designed not just for ease of use but also to encourage user-driven expansion:

  • Collaborative Tools:

    Canva makes it easy for multiple people to work on a design simultaneously. It lets users share their work and invite others to join, helping Canva naturally grow its user base.

  • Easy Sharing:

    After finishing a design, sharing it on social media or adding it to websites and presentations is just a few clicks away. This simple sharing feature improves the user experience and helps spread the word about Canva.

Effectiveness of Their PLG Model in Scaling Their User Base

By removing friction in the design process and allowing users to see value in the product quickly, Canva has scaled significantly across the globe:

  • Global Reach:

    Canva reports millions of designs created weekly by users from over 190 countries, showcasing the universal appeal and scalability of its platform.

  • High Conversion Rates:

    The seamless transition from free to paid subscriptions, coupled with the tangible value provided by premium features, results in high conversion rates. Users are willing to pay for added functionalities once they have experienced the robust capabilities of the free version.

  • Viral Growth:

    User satisfaction and the inherent shareability of the product contribute to Canva’s viral growth. Satisfied users become brand ambassadors, sharing their creations and bringing new users to the platform organically.

6. GitHub

GitHub, the top software development platform, shows how well product-led growth can work. GitHub focuses on creating a tool that fits developers' needs. It helps with code hosting, collaboration, and version control.

GitHub emphasizes ease of use, robust functionality, and community engagement, collectively driving organic growth through user satisfaction and network effects.

Want to know why GitHub is one of the best PLG companies?

Community Building and User Collaboration as Growth Drivers

  • Community Building:

    GitHub has mastered the art of community building. The platform acts as a social network for developers, where they can share projects, contribute to each other's work, and build professional profiles. This community aspect turns individual projects into collaborative ventures, attracting more users who seek a dynamic development environment.

  • User Collaboration:

    Collaboration is at the heart of GitHub’s functionality. The platform enables users to fork repositories, submit pull requests, and merge code after review. These features not only streamline the development process but also encourage active participation and contribution, drawing in new users who are looking for solutions and learning opportunities.

Success Stories Stemming from Their PLG Strategies:

GitHub's PLG approach has yielded numerous success stories that highlight its impact on both individual developers and large organizations:

  • Individual Success Stories:

    Many open-source projects hosted on GitHub have grown significantly in terms of contributors and end-users, thanks to the visibility and collaborative tools provided by the platform.

  • Organizational Adoption:

    Companies like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft use GitHub for enterprise code management. They provide robust security features and management tools that facilitate large team collaborations and integrations.

  • Acquisition by Microsoft:

    A big sign of GitHub’s success is Microsoft’s acquisition in 2018 for 7.5 billion dollars. This purchase highlights how valuable and promising GitHub’s platform is. It also links GitHub with one of the biggest tech companies in the world. This connection helps GitHub grow and develop even more.

7. Atlassian

This top PLG company focuses on building powerful software that sells itself. Their success comes from creating great features and ensuring user satisfaction.

This unique model emphasizes ease of use, powerful integration capabilities, and robust support systems. It allows users to realize the value of their products through direct interaction and community-based support.

The Significance of Their No-Sales Model and What Companies Can Learn from It

  • Reduced Cost and Increased Efficiency:

    By maintaining a no-sales model, Atlassian is able to significantly reduce overhead costs associated with sales personnel and channel resources more efficiently into product development and customer support.This approach improves the product and user experience while driving organic growth.

  • Scalability:

    Atlassian’s model demonstrates that a company can scale without a traditional sales team. This scalability is made possible through a strong emphasis on a self-service platform where users can easily understand, trial, and adopt products without the need for direct sales intervention.

  • Focus on Product Quality:

    Without a sales team, the burden of market success falls entirely on the product itself. This has pushed Atlassian to continually innovate and improve, ensuring that their solutions meet the high standards demanded by users.

Long-term Benefits Seen by Atlassian Through PLG

  • Sustained User Growth:

    Atlassian enjoys steady growth in its user base, mainly through referrals and the real value of its products. The platform's users increasingly share their good experiences with others in their professional circles, which helps attracts new users.

  • High Customer Retention Rates:

    Atlassian’s focus on making great products and keeping customers happy leads to high retention rates. Users who put effort into customizing their workflows around Atlassian’s tools are less likely to switch to other options.

  • Expansion of Product Suite:

    Atlassian's success with its initial products allows it to expand and explore new markets. Each new product's design maintains a consistent user experience across its entire range.

Those are the top 7 companies that own everything in America.

What Do PLG Companies Have in Common?

Product-led growth (PLG) companies shine in today's competitive market. They use their product to attract, retain, and grow their customer base.

Why is this approach so effective? It's because a great product naturally encourages growth. Several common factors help PLG companies grow quickly and sustainably.

Common features of PLG companies
Common FeatureWhat’s It?How Does It Help?
Product Quality & DesignHigh quality and design of productsImproves satisfaction and loyalty
Immediate Value PerceptionUsers easily understand the value of the productEncourages users to continue using the product
Less FrictionAvoiding lengthy sign-up processes or complicated onboardingUsers can start using the product without hassle immediately
PersonalizationPersonalizing user experience to individual needsMaximizes user engagement


As we have explored through the product examples of seven top product-led growth companies, adopting PLG strategy can significantly transform business operations and market presence.

Companies like Slack, Zoom, Dropbox, Calendly, Canva, GitHub, and Atlassian, remarkable product-led growth examples, have each demonstrated that centering growth strategies around the product itself offers a viable and often superior alternative to traditional growth models reliant on aggressive sales and marketing efforts.

How to implement a product-led growth model for my business? Is this what you are considering? Then Quest Labs is here to help you out.

Quest Labs can help you make your products the core of your growth strategy, empowering them to meet the customer’s preferences. Be at the forefront of the industry and achieve sustainable growth and success with Quest Labs.

Encourage readers to explore Quest Labs for product-led growth


1. What are the media companies that own everything?

The big 5 companies that own everything in media conglomerates are:

  • Comcast Corporation
  • AT&T
  • Meta
  • The Walt Disney Company
  • Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.

2. What are the 4 major companies that own everything in the world?

The top 4 PLG companies are Slack, Calendly, Canva, Grammarly, and Dropbox.

3. What 10 companies control everything we eat?

The top ten product-led food companies are as follows.

  • Blue Apron
  • HelloFresh
  • SnackNation
  • Sun Basket
  • Freshly
  • Gobble
  • EveryPlate
  • Territory Foods
  • Hungryroot
  • Snap Kitchen

4. How many corporations own everything?

According to MSN, there are around 6 companies that own the world.

5. What are the two companies that control everything?

BlackRock and Vanguard are 2 companies that own everything.

6. Who owns the most companies in the world?

Companies that own everything chart

UnileverAxe, Ben & Jerry’s, Lipton, Vaseline, Knorr, Bertolli, St. Ives, Wall’s Ice Cream, Hellmann’s, Pond’s, Dove, Tresemme, Slimfast, and more
PepsicoDoritos, Mountain Dew, 7up, Cheetos, Pepsi, Tostitos, Aquafina, Fritos, Naked Juice, Lay’s, Ruffles, and more
Coca-Cola Co.Sprite, Minute Maid, Fanta, Simply Orange, Dasani, Fuze, Fresca, Zico, and VitaminWater.
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